Easter Homily--Its about God's love

Congratulations to our Elect!
Congratulations to our Candidates!
Congratulations to our fellow Catholics completing your initiation!

Congratulations on the new Way!

These past days of the Triduum we have celebrated this Way in a special manner.

Thursday, we remembered that we are to remember.

We remember so as to make real in our lives all that Christ is, was and will be.

We remembered the service of Christ, and how we are called to serve.

Friday, we celebrated Christ on the cross.
This day was not about the mistakes of humanity, nor how horrible we are, because we are not the center of it all.

No, it is, was and ever shall be about the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Cross stands as the Sign of the love of God.

So overwhelming huge, immense, infinite is the Father’s love for us. It cannot be contained, hindered, nor stopped.

The Father created us with so much potential for good.
The Father’s will is nothing less than that good be made real, be realized in this world.
The Father wants us to truly be the Children of God; to receive, give and reflect that love in this world.

The Son, the Christ, so full of love of the Father and for the Father, desires this too.

The Son then gives of himself, to become incarnate, to become human;
So that we can realize our divinity.
The Son then teaches, heals, forgives.
The Son gives of his very self on the cross for us.
All for this will

The Son reveals that we, all human persons have dignity, by virtue of our conception and creation.

The Cross exposes the lie of this world.
The lie that our worth and our value is based upon our politics, our ethnicity, our religion, our economics, our gender, our status… The lie that we are tempted to follow and idolize.

The Cross and Resurrection does away with this lie, this original sin, forever.
The Resurrection opens us to a new way.

And here we are Tonight (What we celebrate today)

Jesus Christ frees us, opens us all to the reality of who we truly are, God’s children, created for holiness. All signified in the waters of Baptism

And the work of Salvation continues
The Holy Spirit Comes! To inflame that potential, to spark that reality.

The Holy Spirit, the love of God pours into us, so that the fullness of who we are is brought forth.

Confirmed in that holy and fragrant anointing.

Then too, think of the Eucharist and what it signifies.
The Father sends the Holy Spirit upon the Bread and Wine, and they become the very person of Christ.
The Christ that we are to be. The Children we are to be. The person we are.

All because the Father loves us.
This is our Way.
Imagine it. A world of people knowing and respecting the dignity of others; respecting and knowing all as Children of God.

No more could we ignore the poverty.
No more could we ignore the racism, the sexism, the phobias.
No more would children being chosen to be killed in the womb.
No more elderly and sick being told to kill themselves.
No, life would be celebrated, respected, treated with dignity.
People’s anger healed with forgiveness.
People’s sadness cured with hope
Our fears...conquered by love.

People’s addictions transformed into freedom from the substances and stimuli.
A whole new life. A World of justice, peace, compassion.
God’s kingdom here on earth.

A resurrection.

So again, Congratulations!
Our Elect, our Candidates, Our Catholics.

Congratulations to all of us.
We are so loved!


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