Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion - homily

In the beginning God created the world, so that God, who is love, can be express that love.
God created a world, a stage if you will, from which God’s very reality can be known, experienced, celebrated.
God created humankind to know God, to experience God, to celebrate all that God is.

And we chose to not do this.
We chose rather to make the world our own stage.
We condemned it and ourselves.

This was/is our Original Sin. It is very much alive within us.

It shows itself in the way we seek to assert ourselves over others and seek authority over others, we choose to assert our own worldview.
It is shown in our desire to protect our own selves, even denying those we love; killing the unborn, the very sick and elderly; in broken marriages.
It becomes real in our use of violence, whether with instruments, or with our gossip, lies, and slander.
It is the way we place our total allegiance behind politicians and political philosophy and nationalistic attitudes.
It’s in our racism and all the prejudices and “-isms” we have.
It expresses itself in our adherence to vengeance and punishment.

All of this is on display in our passion reading.

And the end results---suffering and death. In ourselves and for others, a polluted sick planet. A society of suffering, and death.
Where God’s love is difficult discern amidst our mess of it.

Christ calls us back to ourselves.
Christ shows us the Truth of God’s love and the life it will bring.

When will we turn back towards his way?


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